Nothing much to write, as I am super tired and need to go to bed!! Just wanted to share some pictures of Ethan diligently working on some verse copy work. Ethan LOVES handwriting and copy work, and is really enjoying each Proverb we learn each week. :o) Just in case you are just joining in on our homeschool adventure, we are using My Father's World for our main curriculum (language arts, Bible, science, reading). We will be adding in KONOS in the next month or so to "spice up" our home school adventures. We are also currently using Math U See, which I can't say enough positive things about!! Ethan dearly loves his Math time!
Saturday, August 29, 2009
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
Gilcrease Orchard Nature Study
The boys and I headed off this morning with plans to visit the Gilcrease Orchard here in Las Vegas. We were going with the intentions of
observing pumpkin plants and sketching them. However, this year they have fenced off the pumpkin area (it wasn't accessible whatsoever) due to vandalism and such. However, we were blessed to find zucchini squash!! Zucchini and pumpkin are from the gourd family, so upon a quick glance, the two can be mistaken. Ethan and Evan were satisfied with their discovery of the zucchini, and it led to a teaching opportunity. Ethan sketched his first sketch in his nature journal--of this very squash blossom. Both Ethan and Evan picked their first zucchini! Momma loves zucchini!
We also discovered many beautiful okra plants! I didn't remember what an okra plant looked like (it's been over 20 years since I lived on a farm), and much to my surprise, it's a beautiful plant with gorgeous off-white blossoms with a violet center! We of course had to pick some okra too. We went on to pick some tiny tomatoes, apples, and dissect Indian Corn (Maize) plants.
I believe that Miss Charlotte Mason (please do a google on her, and I'll write more on her later) was an intelligent lady who really knew the heart of a child. I thank God for her writings and inspirations on education. Miss Mason's thoughts on Nature Walks and Journals are, in my opinion, the best way to teach a child about science and the world around him.

Monday, August 24, 2009
A Homeschool Mom's Best Friend
Well, besides the love, strength, forgiveness, loyalty, grace and much more that Christ provides...I found a great new friend!!! You will laugh, because it's not a living thing. Yet it IS tangible. Introducing..........The Home Schooler's Journal.
This nifty spiral bound, soft cover book was purchased on for just $9.99. I read stellar reviews about this item from other purchaser's. I can tell you I use this everyday that we have school in session in our home. I record diligently what subjects were covered in detail, home much time was spent, etc. There are great calendars in the front of the book that help you plan out your year. I used a highlighting system to designate school days from holidays/no school days.
Like I've said before, this is my first year schooling my boys at home, and I have found this journal to be easy to use, yet thorough it what it offers. It's easily customizable to your particular needs. For my lesson plan book, I picked up a $1.00 book from the Target Dollar Spot section...whoohoo!!! It's great and a lot cheaper than other lesson planners you find at teacher supply stores.
First Day of School 2009
Our first day of school was officially 10 Aug 09. We started early (well, if you are counting when public school begins) because...we can! Ethan was eager to learn, and mommy needed to just ditch the cold feet and hit the ground runnin'!!!
Well, I am posting two weeks later...sorry about that, but SCHOOL comes first nowadays! Our first week was such a blessing, and it's amazing how much the boys have learned already. Ethan's reading and ma
thematics skills are coming along quite nicely. :o)
Pictures of the boys: Ethan using his Math U See Manipulatives for the first time! Evan diligently making his peanut but
ter and apricot spread sandwich! Yes, the boys try to make their own lunches. It's life skills, a.k.a Home Economics!! WOW, isn't homeschooling grand?
Friday, August 21, 2009
We Started!!!
We began our first official day of homeschool 10 Aug 09! Hooray!!! I am so proud of Ethan's accomplishments. :o) He's so eager to learn, and I just have to say that the days are so fulfilling. I'm in much more of a routine, our days are more structured, and everyone's a lot happier because of it.
More to come very soon...
More to come very soon...
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