Being a military wife has got me to thinking....
We can choose to be unhappy, dislike everything about our new home/city/base, not make new friends and hold onto the past, and not accept the blessings God has in store for us in our new place...
We can choose to see our new home/city/base as where God would have our family in THIS season, make new friends as God allows, and accept the new and exciting possibilities and adventures the Lord has in store for us.
Here's the deal,'s up to US to let go. I don't mean forget about memories of prior duty stations or cities we've lived in. Certainly, I'm not suggesting that you forget about your friends who live elsewhere. But we can live in the past.
Field of sorghum (or Milo) down the road from our home. |
Listen, I have. I'll admit that when we moved to Nellis AFB, NV that I was less than pleased. My griping and complaining went on and on. My base house was too small and it had no carpet and office tile floors that needed constant attention. The desert summers were unbearably hot (not as hot as those who go without A/C nor those fighting for our freedoms overseas) and the desert landscape was not green but rather blah. Oh, my list could go on and on. And I made sure to tell everyone that I met.
So I sit here, and I cannot believe I BEHAVED that way! It's a wonder I made friends! Who wants to be in the company of a constant complainer! My poor husband!
But my story got better...when I changed MY attitude AND my perspective. You see, in the desert, I found Grace and Love like no Jesus Christ. He made all of the difference. Now don't think that I stopped complaining.
Yes, I still complained, but not nearly as much. I got saved, baptised (in that order), started hosting Bible study in my home, made oodles of friends that I still love so very much, became active and on the board with PWOC, watched growth in my two sons, started homeschooling after being called by the Lord to do so, etc.
Fast forward to present day, some 7 years later, and I can reflect back on my complaining and disdain, and I am so very sorry I was that way. It's not only unbecoming to humankind, but most importantly, it offends the very One that died on the cross. How dare I complain, when I've been so richly blessed!
Beautiful Morning Glory growing on our fence, neighbor's cow grazing. |
Friends, we live in the most free nation in the world! We are safe, have clean water, homes that are like mansions when compared with the poorest people in the world, we are free to worship our Creator...why complain?
What about you? Are you struggling after a recent PCS? Perhaps you husband had to leave the military or retire, and you're adapting to a new home or city? When you are tempted to complain, STOP! Please, just stop. Pray. Be still.
Take out a sheet of paper or get a journal. For every thought that comes to mind in the form of a complaint, write down a positive instead. For example, you want to complain about the new city you are living in. Rather, why not write down how blessed you are to live in the USA!
It's all about your attitude and perspective. Once you change your attitude to that of Christ's (loving and grace-filled), you won't find room for complaining in your heart. Don't get me wrong, we are human, and we slip. We live in a sin-filled world. But once we have accepted Him into our hearts, the Holy Spirit indwells within us. It's up to US to listen!
Pleasant words are as an honeycomb, sweet to the soul, and health to the bones. ~Proverbs 16:24
(Just speaking pleasant words will change your mood! Tempted to complain or brood..STOP IT! Meditate on His word!)
Every wise woman buildeth her house: but the foolish plucketh it down with her hands. ~Proverbs 14:1
(You can choose to be wise and build a home of happiness, love, grace and peace; OR you can choose to literally tear your family apart by complaining and never being content.)
A virtuous woman is a crown to her husband: but she that maketh ashamed is as rottenness in his bones. ~Proverbs 12:4
(Ladies, even if your husband doesn't tell you, chances are that if you complain about your new home/city/base, you're making him feel inadequate. Men love to know they are providing for their families. They do not, however, enjoy hearing your every complaint. It brings them down. They don't want to be there when momma isn't happy. Take the Lord's advice and build your home up with love and peace and much grace!)
Beautiful view from our backyard! |