Hey friends!
It's been quite some time since I have updated on here. What a whirlwind it has been!
May came and went, and clearly, so did June. How did that happen?
May entailed finishing up our first 6 weeks of First Grade, a dear friend from high school and her family visiting us, leaving on our long-awaited road trip to the Dakotas, and celebrating 10 years of Holy Matrimony! We spent our 10th anniversary in De Smet, SD. This is the town that Laura Ingalls Wilder (famous author of the Little House on the Prairie series) and her family first settled before any other people. We were able to see her childhood homestead out on the prairie, and the famous surveyor's home they stayed in that written about in By the Shores of Silver Lake, as well as the home that her Pa built for Ma and Mary (her sister). This was so fun and enjoyable!
June we were still on our vacation. We spent a few days at Minot AFB, ND visiting dear friends and making memories (I even got a pedicure!). June 5th was the second anniversary of Ethan's Heavenly Home-Going. On that particular day we stayed very busy visiting Mt. Rushmore, Crazy Horse, Wall Drug, and the Badlands. Overall it was a peaceful and tiring, but very busy and happy day. It helped to not be at home but instead out enjoying God's creation.
The middle part of June entailed cleaning out closets and getting some sort of organization within my home. I'm not done yet, but have accomplished a lot! So if you are feeling down about your organization, all I can say is just do it and stick with it! It's worth the time and effort!
The latter part of June entailed a special friend coming from LasVegas to visit us. We had a great time hanging out and seeing some sites around San Antonio. Little man has been battling a case of the hives from an allergic reaction to who knows what. He is much better, though!
In a few days or weeks I hope to post pictures from the vacation we took, and to get back on schedule with writing more intentionally.
I hope this summer is finding you enjoying God's creation, and blessed. Keep stayed and focused on Him!
In Christ,
Our Family at Little House on the Prairie Museum, Independence, KS. |