Our oldest son, Ethan Joshua, passed away 5 Jun 10. He is missed by so many, but especially his little brother Evan, and his Mommy and Daddy. Losing a child is said to be the worst type of loss one could endure, and I do believe this to be true. It's as though a huge part of you is missing, and will never be replaced. It's only by the grace of God that we can get through this difficult time. God is amazing, as are our community of friends and family. I cannot fathom one going through such a loss, or any loss of that sort, without a personal relationship with the Lord. Am I witnessing? Why yes I am. That's what Ethan would have wanted, and I will do my best to honor his memory by being a witness and sharing my testimony. Ethan's passing was a tragedy. He was a healthy boy of 7, and what happened to us can happen to anyone--ANYONE. He drowned in a pool where adults were all around. There was plenty of supervision. It happened in the blink of an eye, and that's all it takes. The what- ifs plague our minds, but the comfort of the Lord and knowing that Ethan in safe in heaven gives us hope and comfort. I cannot describe the beautiful comfort that the Lord has given Josh and I. Because there is NO way I could have gotten through this as sane as I have without my Heavenly Father. He loves me. He loves you. He cares. He is good ALL of the time, and He knows what he is doing. It's just hard sometimes to let go and let God. It's easy to get caught up in the flesh and thinking about what could have been, when what we need to focus on is the here and now. Ethan is gone, but he isn't forgotten. We miss him every minute of everyday. If you get a chance, look up the following verses for us, and for the memory of Ethan: Proverbs 3:5, and Matthew 7:12. He exemplified both of these verses. In fact, a couple of days before he passed, out of the blue he said,"Mommy, I am going to take the straight path to God (as he pointed toward heaven)." This just warms my heart, knowing that a little boy of 7 was so in love with the Lord that he was ready to take the straight path to heaven. Are you?