It's hard to believe that October is already upon us. Which leads to Evan's 5th Birthday, my birthday two weeks later, followed by Thanksgiving...and about 4 days later, what would have been Ethan's 8th Birthday. I was going to wait to write about this, but felt that the more time people had to prepare, the better participation we could get. In honor of Ethan's Birthday, we are declaring November 29th The Golden Rule Day.
So in everything, do to others what you would have them do to you, for this sums up the Law and the Prophets. Matthew 7:12
As many of you already know, Ethan tried so hard to live by the Golden Rule. He would usually go out of his way to treat others the way he wanted to be treated. Of course, he was human just like you and I, and antagonized his little bother, and didn't always share. :o) But that's human nature, and no one is perfect. However, Josh and I had never seen someone so passionate about living out The Golden Rule.
We ask that you find in some way, big or small, to go out of your way to treat someone the way you would want to be treated--on November 29th of each year. Perhaps you will buy a meal for someone who is less fortunate, volunteer at a soup kitchen, go visit the widowed in your neighborhood, make cookies or a meal for a neighbor who is ill or bereaved. The list of possibilities is endless! If we can all show extra love on Ethan's Birthday, then the world will be a much sweeter place, and this will honor Ethan's memory, and also honor the Lord.
To read more about Ethan, please visit: On the left hand side enter in Ethan for "first name" and "Wallace" for last name (without italics, of course).