Today I decided to take a break from it. My brain is overloaded and I cannot take being over-stimulated by all of the postings from complaining to prayer requests (which I genuinely don't mind) to this giveaway on this blog, to this and that....BLAH!!!
It's no wonder people are having issues with anxiety, depression, sleeping issues, etc. We are over-stimulated, and take not nearly enough time to rest and listen to His voice calling us back on to the path He has set for us. I cannot follow Him and follow 300 plus people on Facebook. It's simply not possible. Will I delete my account? Probably not. But will have to be intentional and self-controlled if I'm going to make my goal of being NOT depending on Facebook so much.
Will you pray for me? Ashamedly, this is a hard habit to break. I want to hear from my Father. I need peace and quiet.
On a much happier note, I'm trying to get back into sewing things. My latest completion was a birthday gift of pot holders. I used beautiful Texas Bluebonnet fabric by Sentimental Studios, manufactured by Moda which is my favorite manufacturer of fabric! Don't you LOVE the back side fabric? I love Bluebonnets!!!
If you really like what I've done with these, please let me know. I want honest feedback, please! And with Christmas around the corner, these could make great gifts.
Other projects I have lined up are about 101 baby gifts (I am so dragging my feet on this one), a quilt for my nephew's birthday, something for my mom and sister's birthday, and a quilt for Evan's birthday. Plus, I want to make myself some Fall placemats and fun stuff. Oh!!! And I have one birthday gift to sew for a special friend who has a birthday at the end of this month. Well, I think I'd better run and get something done.