Today I decided to take a break from it. My brain is overloaded and I cannot take being over-stimulated by all of the postings from complaining to prayer requests (which I genuinely don't mind) to this giveaway on this blog, to this and that....BLAH!!!
It's no wonder people are having issues with anxiety, depression, sleeping issues, etc. We are over-stimulated, and take not nearly enough time to rest and listen to His voice calling us back on to the path He has set for us. I cannot follow Him and follow 300 plus people on Facebook. It's simply not possible. Will I delete my account? Probably not. But will have to be intentional and self-controlled if I'm going to make my goal of being NOT depending on Facebook so much.
Will you pray for me? Ashamedly, this is a hard habit to break. I want to hear from my Father. I need peace and quiet.
On a much happier note, I'm trying to get back into sewing things. My latest completion was a birthday gift of pot holders. I used beautiful Texas Bluebonnet fabric by Sentimental Studios, manufactured by Moda which is my favorite manufacturer of fabric! Don't you LOVE the back side fabric? I love Bluebonnets!!!
If you really like what I've done with these, please let me know. I want honest feedback, please! And with Christmas around the corner, these could make great gifts.
Other projects I have lined up are about 101 baby gifts (I am so dragging my feet on this one), a quilt for my nephew's birthday, something for my mom and sister's birthday, and a quilt for Evan's birthday. Plus, I want to make myself some Fall placemats and fun stuff. Oh!!! And I have one birthday gift to sew for a special friend who has a birthday at the end of this month. Well, I think I'd better run and get something done.
Those are gorgeous! Would you ever consider making some to sell? I think that would make a great gift to give to my mother in law for Christmas!!
You are right. This past month has been filled with too much distraction and electronic noise. When I can't sleep or David is on a trip, FB has been my time killer. My excuse is that it is a great way to keep in touch with my family, which it is. My mom and even grandma are on FB! But I feel the effects of being too connected to the wrong thing.
As you know, I agree with you aBout Facebook and really any social site. It just has too much pull for me, even though I have NO time for it. Having a smart phone makes it too tempting. I think a MUCH better use of time is sewing! Lol! You did an awesome job with that pot holder! Love the bluebonnets. The sewing looks perfect. :)
I am new to your blog I saw your comment about adoption on The Johns Family blog and hopped over to read your blog. I must say that I have been so touched today by your testimony-by God's grace through a most horrific experience in your life. We almost lost our oldest daughter to a drowing 4 years ago June 6th. She was with friends of ours at a public pool with life guards and tons of people and she was still able to go under turn blue and had to be pulled from the pool and have mouth to mouth started while the ambulance arrived to rush her to the hospital. She did survive and it is truly a miracle. Reading your story today brought back a flood of emotions-I will be praying for your family-for God's tender grace and mercy. I am so sorry you have had to experience this loss. I want you to know though that reading about your son and how precious he was and how many lives he has touched was wonderful-and you sharing your story will help to touch so many lives as well. I have joined on here and can't wait to read more and follow your blog. I hope that God conitues to bless you through all of this.
Would love to have you stop by my blog as well.
In Him
Thank you for leaving a comment on my blog...I have read your blog before and your treasure of a son, Ethan, but just never commented before.
I went back to read about Ethan's accident and I am so thankful to have found someone in a similar situation. Our sons were different ages, but drowning while there was so much supervision competence involved in both of our cases makes me feel like I am not going crazy after all. It CAN happen to anyone. Even the safest, most well-meaning and loving parents on the planet.
Thank you for sharing your precious son with us and your faith. God has allowed everything out of His great love for us and I have to remind myself of that each day as I miss Mark with all of my heart.
Until we see them again...
What a treasure with your hands those potholders are! Any recipient will be so blessed. :) And you are so right about Facebook (but you already knew that). My personal take on it -- is -- perhaps a bit different from most. I think to myself, "Does this bring me closer to God? Does it allow me to function at a greater capacity in my sphere of influence? Are it's influences beneficial to my walk? My day? My head?". There is some good about Facebook --- but most things in this world that aren't the best for us are cloaked and/or masked to appear like they are. I truly think that it's design is not unlike those little light-thingy's that fascinate and distract babies. "Oooh! Games! Friends....Apps....Pictures.....Videos....random thoughts."...on and on.... I find it to be very distracting to the order of my day and my thoughts (especially if someone posts something really offensive/lame/hurtful). If I may be as so bold as to say it's the devil's handiwork cloaked in a pretty, social-fuzzy package. As Christians, people ARE our business -- and Facebook does provide an avenue for a kind word and virtual (((love)))). :) I wrestled with the same issues as you before I deactivated (I feel like a Cyborg or something - using that terminology. ha.), and I can say that I have more time for my real relationships and I work harder in my "sphere of influence" -- so I can be clear-headed and organic in my relationships and my role as a friend, wife, mother and daughter of Christ. :)
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