Tuesday, March 11, 2014

You Might Have Noticed...Or Not

I left Facebook quietly and with no warning or explanation.

Yes, we are okay!  We are great!  Blessed!  However, I needed to leave Facebook, and to do so quietly without the influence of others begging me to stay or asking why.  I just needed to do it cold turkey and be done.  I needed to obey the Holy Spirit!

Anyone who knows me fairly well knows that I do desire to still keep in touch with my friends and family.  But not "that" way.  I yearn for more intentional and more intimate contact...like a letter or phone call.  The touch and go, shallowness of Facebook just isn't for me.  

This decision has been a long time in the making, but I held onto my flesh, dug in my heels, and just kept coming back.  Now don't get me wrong, I wasn't doing anything wrong or immoral on Facebook.  But I was wasting a lot of time on there and not being a good steward of my time.  I was reading a lot of stuff that upset me, and caused me to judge others in my heart, and that's not Christ-like.  So I had to go...

The good Lord never intended, I don't think, for us to have contact in a way that Facebook allows.  My heart is convicted over and over again that He gave me my precious family who is right here, in the first and real person, and they need me NOW.

Time is precious.  Cling to the in real life person(s) God has blessed you with, and cling to Him.  Now.  Trust me.  

I have another friend who left Facebook too, and she writes about it here.

Only Because He First Loved Me...Shannon


MarshaMarshaMarsha said...

You can never go wrong by listening to the prompting of the Holy Spirit. And if I were to quit FB, I think I would have to go cold turkey too. It's easier than fielding all the questions and such or people thinking that you just need to be convinced to stay.

Praying for you, my friend.

Shannon Wallace said...

Hugs, Marsha. :-) Great minds think alike! ;-)

The Cottonwood Tree said...

For many of the reasons you've mentioned, I'm considering the same action myself. I would rather see a newsy email, letter or phone call from a friend once a week, than a FB like or fleeting wall comment several times a day.